Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wow...I can't believe the turn out we had last night at the Mary Meehan event! Thanks to everyone who came to listen to a spectacular woman who had a lot to say about why liberals and feminists should defend the unborn. The question and answer session at the end was my favorite part! Incredibly insightful. And a local high school teacher even offered extra credit to his students for coming. It gives me hope to see how many young people are getting educated and becoming involved in the pro-life movement. One point that Ms. Meehan made is the fact that liberals have a long history of defending "the little guy" (anti-slavery movement, yes?). So why should the issue of abortion be any different? Are the unborn not the most vulnerable and helpless of all? Food for thought. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm against abortion. But even more than just being opposed to abortion, I am for finding alternatives and choices that don't hurt women. Abortion hurts women, and therefore I don't recognize it as a real choice. According to Feminists for Life of America, "abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women." I think we need to stop arguing about whether abortion is right or wrong, and start doing something to solve the problem. Because that's what it is--a huge problem. Abortion is such a hotly debated and sensitive issue, and I'm well aware of what I'm up against. But that's the's such an important issue to me that I don't care what's popular and what's not. And I don't care if you agree with me or not. What I do care about are the women. The women who are going through crisis pregnancy situations just like I did four years ago. I would never want to promote an option, like abortion, that ended up hurting them (emotionally, physically, psychologically, etc. etc. etc.) even further. My heart truly goes out to any woman who is dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. It makes me hurt to think that someone out there is going through the same emotions and struggle that I went through. I never want to hear a woman say, "if only I had known about open adoption, I would have never gotten an abortion..." I can only hope that my story and my passion for helping women will change at least one abortion-minded woman's decision and that she will chose the best choice of all--life! There are so many couples out there looking to adopt. And even more couples than ever before are open to the idea of having an open adoption. What a wonderful option to explore! Mary Meehan says, "speak with your own voice and sing your own song." ...I think I'll do just that!


Chelsa said...

well said!! abortion was never a choice for me to make either. it was totally out of the question.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I absolutely love how you've stated this. Almost everyone sees the abortion issue as black and white - there are only two options. But that is a false choice. You've made a great argument - thanks. Clarita

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